But the hole is an optical illusion, a three-dimensional drawing of a canyon, in an attempt to make careless cyclists hit the brakes rather than ride dangerously and ignore pedestrians.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
RochesterGreenway.org wins Rochester Environmental Site Award!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Roc City Park - Location & Design
This is a volunteer effort, so 100% of donated money goes directly to the skate park.The planned location (pending New York State Department of Transportation approval)

Monday, July 20, 2009
Town of Brighton Proposed Multi-Use Trail Public Meeting July 27
Town of Brighton Proposed Multi-Use Trail Public Meeting
Tom Low, Town of Brighton Commissioner of Public Works
585.784.5225, thomas.low@townofbrighton.org.
Brighton, NY, July 3, 2009 – The Town of Brighton will hold a Public Meeting to review the concept of a multi-use trail connecting Town Hall and the Erie Canal. The meeting will be held on July 27th from 7pm-9pm at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Ave. The I-590 Bicycle / Pedestrian Bypass Trail Feasibility Study is nearing completion, and the Town wishes to gather additional feedback on the preferred trail alignment identified in the Draft Report.
In its 2000 Comprehensive Plan, the Town identified a concept for a trail connecting the Town Hall Complex on Elmwood Avenue to the Erie Canal at Meridian Centre Park. This Feasibility Study explores the viability of the whole corridor of the I-590 Bicycle / Pedestrian Bypass trail, with consideration given to location alternatives, design recommendations, funding sources, and phasing strategies.
The Preferred Trail Alignment map, along with the full Draft Report, is available on the Town’s website; http://www.townofbrighton.org/CivicAlerts.aspx.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
CenterLines #229
-- Lawrence Frank, University of British Columbia
About StreetsWiki - Streetswiki - Livable Streets
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is a community-created, online encyclopedia for transportation, urban environmental, and public space issues.
It’s a place for ordinary people, planners, and academics to read and write about our cities and how we can make them more livable.
Cyclists slow down to avoid crater-sized 'hole' - Telegraph
Cyclists were encouraged to slow down thanks to this crater-sized "hole" in the middle of a towpath.
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Pro Walk/Pro Bike 2008 - Seattle, Washington
1) RTP Trails Nov 2008:
Presentation: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/rectrails/fundrec_pres.htm
2) RTP and TE Summary: includes both briefs listed below.
Recreational Trails Program Brief: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/rectrails/brief.htm
Transportation Enhancement Activities Brief:http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/te/brief.htm
3) New Approach for Transportation
USDOT Reform Proposal: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/rectrails/reauth_reform.htm
Christopher Douwes
The (National) Recreational Trails Program--NRTP
Greg Lovelady (155Kb PowerPoint Presentation)
A Public Bicycle System in Metro Vancouver?
Eileen Kadesh and Andrew Curran (605Kb PDF Format)
Bike Sharing in North America
Eileen Kadesh and Andrew Curran (968Kb PDF Format)
SmartBike DC and How it Happened (for Free)
George Branyan (444Kb PowerPoint Presentation)
The Neighborhoods on Foot Map Series
Seth Schromen-Wawrin (13.6MB PowerPoint Presentation)
- #22. Encouraging Corporate Cycling Programs (Grand Crescent)
Healthy Commute Choices at Chicago Public Schools
Suzanne Carlson (388Kb PDF Format) - #23. Bikes and Transit: Why and How (Vashon I & II)
Bikes and Transit: Why and How
Michelle Poyourow, Jessica Roberts and Carolyn Young (575Kb PDF Format)
- #37. Working With Youth (Cascade IC)
Getting Your SRTS Project Funded
Ryan Snyder (1Mb PDF Format)
- #52. Working With Local Governments (St. Helens)
Local Government Action Infiltrate, Inspire, Influence
Karen Messmer (5MB PowerPoint Presentation)
- #55. Connecting the Dots: Biking, Public Health & Safety and Economic Development(Cascade IC)
ProWalk /ProBike Seattle September 2008
Malisa Mccreedy (2.5Mb PDF Format)
- #60. Bicycle Zone Analysis: A New Bicycle Planning Tool (Vashon I & II)
Cycle Zone Analysis (CZA): A New Bicycle Transportation Planning Tool
Developed for the Update of Portland’s Bicycle Master Plan
Roger Geller, Denver Igarta, Mia Birk and Mike Rose (5MB PDF Format)
- #64. Understanding Tort Liability Challenges - (Cascade IC)
Understanding Tort Liability and Challenges Presented by Bicycles
Michael E. Tardif (413Kb PowerPoint Presentation)
Thinking (and Building) Outside the MUTCD/AASHTO Box
Joshua Benson (3Mb PDF Format)
- #70. Safe Routes to School (St. Helens)
Safe Routes to School
Ellen Pillsbury (548Kb PowerPoint Presentation) - Promoting Bicycle Transportation in a Rural County
Ellen Barton (1MB PDF Format)
- #81. Comparing Small Area and Regional Scale Plans (Cascade IB)
Walking and Biking the Busiest Roads Around Atlanta: a Bike/Ped Plan that establishes non-motorized transportation among regional-scale priorities.
Regan Hammond (3.2Mb PowerPoint Presentation)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a federal, state and local effort
In New York, as in other parts of this country, travel to school by walking and bicycling has declined dramatically over the past several decades. The adverse impacts of this trend on air quality, traffic congestion and childhood health are alarming. The goal of New York's Safe Routes to School Program is to assist New York communities in developing and implementing projects and programs that encourage walking and bicycling to school while enhancing the safety of these trips. These programs can bring a wide range of benefits to students and the community. These include an easy way for children to get the regular physical activity they need for good health and even to ease traffic jams and reduce pollution around schools. A major goal of the program is to increase bicycle, pedestrian and traffic safety. Successful Safe Routes to School programs in the United States usually includes one or more of these approaches engineering, enforcement, education, encouragement. Local and regional government, schools and community non-profit organizations ready, willing and able to implement SRTS initiatives are eligible to apply for funding. Applications are available for projects and programs to improve the health and safety of New York children who bike or walk to school. The program is open to all New York municipalities and school districts. |
Stimulus Watch: Keeping an Eye on Economic Recovery Spending
Projects in Rochester, New York
Below are the "shovel-ready" projects for which this city submitted in the 2008 U.S. Conference of Mayors report. You can click on a project to read (and add to) its description. You can also discuss the project and vote on whether you believe it is critical or not.
The total cost of all the projects submitted by Rochester is $50,946,000
Monday, July 6, 2009
Copenhagenize.com - Winter Cycling from Colville Andersen on Vimeo.
Scenes from a cycling life in Copenhagen during the winter. Featuring some of the 400,000 citizens who choose the bicycle throughout the wint
Forty years ago Copenhagen was just as car-clogged as anywhere else but now 55% of the population choose the bicycle. 37% in the Greater Metropolitan area. Copenhagenizing is possible anywhere.