The companion blog to http://RochesterGreenway.org
Alta is at the forefront of nationally significant bicycle and pedestrian research to advance the fields of transportation, land-use, planning, and design. You can learn more about Alta's research capabilities on ourResearch service page . Below you'll find a number of our published studies for download. Documents unavailable on our website may be available upon request .
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Trail Related Documents & Studies
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Some googling lead me to believe there is a connecting trail.
So this afternoon, I went cross country skiing to look for the connecting trail.
At around the right place (A), I did find an embankment going West-East across the trail.
There was a stone bridge over the creek on the West side of the trail, but fallen trees (under the snow, at least) no obvious trail to the East.
When I circled back and drove back to Scottsville Rd just south of Greyson Rd, I found what might be the West end of that same cross-trail:
a break in a wooden fence, a marked telephone pole "RGE 111, 228" and a sign pointing to Clearview Farms apartment. (B)
And when I hiked West from the Road, there was a clear view to (what I believe was) the GV Trail.
"We don't have a position (on the proposal)," said Dorraine Kirkmire, senior city planner. "Basically, that is the goal of the Environmental Impact Statement, to gather all the information we need to make prudent decisions about the project."
The city anticipates spending two weeks reviewing the document, then releasing it to the public next month. There will be time for public review, comment and a public hearing. Added Kirkmire: "I'd rather people have comments on a proposal once they have all the information available to them."
There is a growing national movement to promote greenways, especially since 1987 when the President's Commission on American Outdoors recommended establishing a nationalgreenways network. A greenways network is similar to a roadway network, which connects all kinds of destinations through a linear system. However, a greenways network is designed for recreation, conservation, and smart land use - a network for people, nature, and "livable" communities.
Greenways are often established and managed through partnerships between municipalities, counties, and non-profit organizations.
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