Greenways—corridors of protected public and private lands—link recreational, cultural, and natural features and provide multiple public benefits. They provide paths for people and wildlife; protect forests, wetlands and grasslands; and improve the quality of life for everyone. Often associated with rivers, stream valleys, mountain ridges, abandoned railroad corridors, and utility rights-of-way, greenways also can be built along canals, scenic roads or other linear features.
2009 Kodak American Greenways Program Grants
The Program operated by The Conservation Fund invites land trusts, local governments, and other organizations to submit proposals for small greenway project grants. Funded projects typically advance one or more of the following Program goals:
- Catalyzing new greenway projects
- Assisting grassroots greenway organizations
- Leveraging additional money for conservation and greenway development
- Promoting use and enjoyment of greenways
The 2009 application deadline has been extended to July 15. [All applications must be submitted electronically.
Award Amounts: Most grants range from $500 to $1,000. The maximum grant is $2,500.
Click here for access the guidelines for the 2009 Greenways Awards.
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